Conductor and Cables


Conductor and Cables

  • Production Capacity12,000 MTPA
  • Plant & Machinery
  • Wire Drawing - R.B.D3 Nos
  • Skip Strander1 No
  • Tubular Strander3 No
  • RST 54 Strander1 No
  • RST 30 Strander1 No
  • Solution Treatment
  • Furnace1 No
  • Ageing Furnace2 No
  • Drum Rewinder1 No
  • Spooling Machines3 Nos
  • ProductsAluminium Conductors - Steel Reinforced (ACSR),
    Aluminium Conductors Aluminized - Steel Reinforced (ACAR),
    All Aluminium Alloy Conductors (AAAC),
    All Aluminium Stranded Conductors

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Arfin India Limited

39.90 INR   (-1.91)
Last Updated: (As of 15/07/2024 15:30:00)
41.81 Previous Close
6.73B INRMarket Cap
76.73P/E Ratio